Lakers Alano Friday Night 6:30 A.A. On-line Meeting Format
- Welcome to Lakers Friday Night 6:30 A.A. meeting… Lets open with a moment of silence for the still suffering alcoholic…pause…Followed by the Serenity Prayer.
- This is a closed meeting open to alcoholics only. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking.
- Please turn off your cell phones, and try to follow these on-line meeting etiquette suggestions:
- Say your name before speaking
- Be mindful of the privacy of other attendees, avoid allowing non-AA member to listen in, or wear a headset.
- Please mute your audio if you are not speaking.
- Please try to talk one at a time.
- Let’s introduce ourselves, my name is _______________ …….…
- Is there anyone here for their first A.A. meeting?? (If yes, we will offer to have a first step discussion after the meeting.)
- Is there anyone visiting from another group?
- Sponsorship is strongly suggested, if you are willing to be a temporary or permanent sponsor, please raise your hand… Anyone looking for a sponsor feel free to contact anyone with their hand raised.
- Will someone please read the “Preamble” and “Responsibility Statement” _______________
- Will someone please read “How it Works” ________________________
- Will someone please read “Daily Reflections” ____________________
- The 7th traditions states; “Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” There is a Venmo link on the Friday 6:30 Meeting page on the Lakers Website:
- We have a phone list, contact ___________ if you would like a copy, or would like to add your name to the list.
- Let’s thank tonight’s greeter this week ______________________________
- Can we get a volunteer to greet next week? _____________
- We have a group conscience meeting the first Friday of every month at 6:00 before the meeting. All are welcome to attend!
- Is there any Old Business?____________________________________________
- Is there any New Business? ___________________________________________
- Are there any medallions? ____________________________________________
- Let’s hear it for 24 hours!
- Will someone please read the “Promises” ____________________
This meeting is on a special topic and we generally discuss this topic after the speaker is done.
Tonight’s speaker is _____________________ and the topic is ______________________
We will discuss the topic presented, but if you have a problem, or wish to discuss another topic, please feel free to do so… THESE MEETINGS ARE FOR YOU!! Please allow each member to speak in turn, uninterrupted, and limit your sharing to 2-4 minutes. When you are done sharing, please call on another attendee to share next.
Can we get a volunteer to present next week’s topic, ____________.
Remember: Who you see here. What you hear here. When you leave here, let it stay here.
Thank you for attending, and have a good week.